Inclusions and signs in ceremonies
Symbolism can be a wonderful way to personalise your ceremony
Remembrance Candle:
Ladies and gentlemen, a wedding is a time for celebration, for joy, for making plans for the future. It is also some may say …. a time for reflection. A time to take just a few moments to acknowledge those who have passed. Special people in our lives who …. for what ever reason …. have left us with enduring memories that continue to influence our lives long after their passing. Today this remembrance candle was lit with love ……and its gentle flicker throughout the ceremony will remind the bride and groom that their “Special Angels” are watching over them. Sending their love …… today and always.
Sand ceremonies to recognise a blending of families:
Today, this relationship is symbolised through the joining of these two containers of sand, representing their separate and unique individuals lives before today. As these two containers of sand are poured into the third container, the individual containers of sand will no longer exist; they will be joined together as one. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated, so will your marriage be. This vase of blended grains of sand is a symbol of togetherness; it will now take pride of place in their home, a wonderful reminder that their lives are now joined together as one.
A tree planting:
A symbolic gesture of a “connection and an appreciation of the land”. This tree will also represent the future and the strength within ‘family’ that guides and comforts us and shelters us through life.
Ring warming:
As the rings are passed around the circle of love, you are asked to hold the rings in your hands, warm them with your love and make a silent wish for this couple and their future.
These signs are a simple and tasteful way of reminding guests to that the bride and groom would like them to refrain from using devices throughout the ceremony. Often Celebrants open the service with a statement about not uploading photos to social media.
“Providing the bride and groom the privilege of being the first to share their special memories”